Over a dozen schools in multiple countries use the site’s 3D printing lessons
Just a few months ago, Philip Cotton, one of the first teachers in the United Kingdom to introduce 3D printing in the classroom, launched a 3D printing curriculum resource for teachers called learnbylayers. Over a dozen schools in multiple countries use the site’s 3D printing lessons, which include resources like design challenges, PowerPoint presentations, and 3D printable example files. Now, learnbylayers is focusing on expanding its reseller network, and just announced that it has partnered with UK distributor GoPrint3D and Middle Eastern premier reseller Cognizance 3D, located in Dubai.
GoPrint3D, also a distributor for EnvisionTEC, is now learnbylayers’ first 3D printing distributor, and will be reselling the curriculum in addition to 3D printers. GoPrint3D is a well-known 3D printer distributor in the UK, and has been working to provide 3D printers to schools for the last five years.
One concern for teachers interested in bringing 3D printing to the classroom is what lesson plans will entail, which is why the new partnership will work so well – teachers will be able to purchase the curriculum at the same time they purchase the 3D printer. They can rest easy knowing that they’re working with one of the leading suppliers in the UK, and learnbylayers’ curriculum reflects national education standards as well.
GoPrint3D provides 3D printers that fit any budget, and just like Cotton, has worked with the UK National STEM Centre – while Cotton runs 3D printing workshops for UK teachers, GoPrint3D offers advice on which 3D printer would best fit their needs. GoPrint3D appeared at the recent BETT Show in London, supporting the UK launch of Robo.
At Robo’s stand, visitors were able to look at several 3D printed learnbylayers curriculum models, as well as receive advice from staff members. GoPrint3D is the only distributor that sells learnbylayers curriculum as a 3D printer add-on. But GoPrint3D isn’t learnbylayers’ only new reseller – the site is also looking outside of the UK, and has formed a partnership with Cognizance3D, which is headquartered in Dubai.
learnbylayers is focused on expanding the access to its curriculum, and the addition of both GoPrint3D and Cognizance3D to its reseller network really exemplifies its international appeal.