Value Added Packaging Thesis – Hanna Stronk – Stuttgart Media University

During 2011, Hanna Stronk, then a final year student at the Stuttgart Media University, undertook Thesis research to assist in understanding market drivers and mechanisms involved in consumer responses to Value Added Packaging techniques.

This work was in support of the PrintCity Alliance Value Added Packaging (VAPack) project, which continues through 2012.

Thesis Summary

The focus of the published Thesis is a review of innovative packaging solutions and their impact on consumers. Manufacturers nowadays have to consider adding special 'value added' benefits to their products for consumers – to attract interest, differentiate from competition and convert browsing into actual sales. Such use of value added packaging methods can result in stronger brand market positions and shares in global markets.

Thesis Findings

Under the description 'Packaging is protection', 'Packaging is a matter of trust', 'Packaging is competition', 'Packaging is innovation' and 'The future lies in Value Added Packaging', Hanna Stronk reviewed these main study area in her analysis:

·         Individualized Packaging

·         Multisensory Packaging

·         Print and Electronic Features for Smart Packaging (Intelligent packaging)

·         User Friendly Packaging

·         Sustainable Green Packaging

Innovative Value Added Packaging techniques were seen to give benefits in these areas:

·         Brand Recall

·         Differentiation in the market

·         Increased Selling Opportunity

·         Product Identification

·         Security

·         Brand Loyalty

Where can you read the Thesis?

The full original Thesis is published in German only, but there is a summary available in both English & German languages on the PrintCity web site. Download your copy now at