Forum de la Plasturgie et des Composites 2013: A new event for the entire Plastics and Composite Material industry in 2013

The Forum de la Plasturgie et des Composites will take place on the 30th and 31st of May at Disneyland Paris's Congress Centre.

This Paris event bringing together the entire plastics and composite material industry is a new type of event for the industry. It aims to share and cross the latest knowledge and visions, highlight the strengths of

the French plastics industry, and facilitate networking.

A new type of event for the industry

Between 2 editions of the three-yearly FIP solution plastique - the next event will be held in 2014 - a new type of event for industry players will be launched in Paris.

The Forum de la Plasturgie et des Composites will be held at Disneyland Paris's Congress Centre on the 30th and 31st of May 2013.

Positioned as a genuine trade campus, it will propose plenary conferences, technical workshops, and an exhibition area bringing together expert and innovating companies from the industry.

During these two days, the Forum de la Plasturgie et des Composites will focus on showing off the strengths of the French plastics industry at a time of new industry challenges.

The plenary conference programme aims to decrypt and illustrate the strategies of stakeholders upstream and downstream of the industry and it will provide real prospects. The workshops and exhibition area will present cutting edge solutions and services.

The technical workshop programme will attract a large number of professionals directly involved in the event (general management, purchasing, research, technical, HR...) who will be able to build their own "tailor-made" programme from the various subjects proposed.

The exhibition area and many highlights will punctuate these two days focused on facilitating exchanges and networking between all the participants.

"Could the new industrial ballgame be a godsend for the Plastics industry?"

The common thread of this first conference on plastics and composite materials invites you to think and act differently to promote the industry's strengths. Constraints are cumulating and weigh on the industry. What if this new game could reveal the strengths of an effective and responsible French Plastics Industry?

This is what the Forum de la Plasturgie et des Composites 2013 proposes to think about exploring all aspects of the paradigm shift:

· Customer, manufacturer, and consumer strategies;

· Supplier industrial strategies;

· Plastics stakeholder industrial strategies.

Three plenary conferences will be available to decode industrial change and make the most of it. They will bring together personalities from the worlds of economics, politics, and industry. For your information, you will find a list of the subjects selected so far in the annexe.

A call for proposals was issued to industry manufacturers to collect and present around 30 communications among the most relevant for the industry on subjects such as techniques, industrial performance, innovation, human resources, and organisation during the 2-day event.


Plenary Meeting 1

"Understanding customer strategies to better support them"

• Automotive, medical, cosmetic, rail, construction, aeronautics... what challenges

do these industries face?

• How do customer concern and public policies on health and the environment

affect their strategy?

• How does their vision influence their purchasing policy?

Plenary conference 2

" Material and equipment suppliers 'cards on the table'"

• How are they integrated into the new resource geo-economy?

• Does the French plastics industry still have a place in their strategy?

• Localisations, innovation through materials, and competitiveness through

equipment: what are the conditions for successful cooperation?

Plenary conference 3

"Value creating plastics manufacturers"

• Industrial strategies: global panorama

• Strategies for the French Plastics Industry: a tool for reflection available to all.