iarigai calls for submissions for 47th International Conference

The Hellenic graphic communication - media, printing and packaging communities, welcome iarigai and IC in Athens, Greece, for their annual scientific conferences, to take place in September 19-24, 2021.

The 47th annual conference of iarigai with the title "Printing in the Digital Era" and the 52nd conference of the IC with the title "Print Education - Challenges in an Uncharted World", are jointly organized by HELGRAMED, the Hellenic Union of Graphic Arts and Media Technology Engineers in cooperation with GRAPHMEDLAB, the Hellenic Graphic-Media Research Lab, University of West Attica, Greece.
The organizers invite everyone in the graphic communication - media, printing and packaging fields, to attend the conferences. Scholars and entrepreneurs, employees and companies, students and educators, business and manufacturing companies are very welcome to register, either as presenters of scientific and technical papers or as attendees at both conferences.
With the hope that COVID19 pandemic will be defeated soon, we look forward to a great event with our colleagues from around the world. We all, can't wait to meet each other in person in order to exchange ideas and research results and to share experiences and practices from our activities in technology and management, the industry and business, education and culture.