Perigon GmbH, a subsidiary of the Sihl Group, has acquired Trichord Ltd.
Perigon is one of the world's first providers of a process for industrial, full-surface printing of complex 3D objects that guarantees the highest quality regardless of the material used. With the acquisition of the technology provider and joint venture partner Trichord, the Sihl Group secures all shares in the technology as well as the consumables.
Perigon was founded in 2021 as a joint venture by the Sihl Group and Trichord, two leading companies in the fields of materials and technology. Based in Düren, North Rhine-Westphalia, the specialist's globally unique technical solutions enable designs to be transferred to complex 3D objects in a cost-effective manner. With the patented, proven process, a wide range of complex shapes can be designed, whereby mould material and production quantities are irrelevant.
With the full acquisition of Trichord by Perigon, the joint venture partner now becomes part of the Sihl Group, which can now serve its customers even more comprehensively and conveniently as a one-stop provider. The transaction marks the second acquisition of Sihl Group under the aegis of funds advised by Equistone Partners Europe ("Equistone"). In 2016, the funds had acquired a majority stake in the long-established company based near Bern; US-based Diezgen Corp. was added at the end of 2021.
"Trichord is the ideal addition to our group, enabling us to offer clients all services from a single source in future," says Peter Wahsner, CEO of Sihl Group. "With this acquisition, we are laying the foundation for the global expansion of our strategic Surface Decorations division. We look forward to working together with Trichord's management to take the next step in our growth."
The transaction was advised by Stefan Maser, David Zahnd and Roman E. Hegglin. Sihl was advised on the transaction by Deloitte (Financial), Bär & Karrer (Legal & Tax Switzerland), Addleshaw Goddard (Legal UK) and Goodwin (Financing).