A new entry to MG2 Packaging Division

The new Area Manager is driven by a long background of experience and passion
Let’s meet Vittorio Tonazzi, the new Area Manager for MG2 Packaging Division. He is rooted in the world of industrial automation, in which he professionaly grew working between Lombardia and the Emilia Packaging Valley.

"When I was young, I used to leave the family mechanical workshop and play football in front of the production area. I can say that I literally grew up in this industry and I am ready today for this new important challenge undertaken with MG2" - and he continues - "In a complex period such as the one we are experiencing, MG2 is a competitive industrial reality, among the first in the world for technological quality and innovation, with cutting-edge solutions ready to promptly face the challenges that the pharmaceutical industry must face up in the next few months”.
Founded in 1997, as a result of the acquisition of a leading company in the industry, the Packaging Division still continues to expand its offer with increasingly advanced technological solutions, designed upon specific customer requests. The quality standards being typical of the pharmaceutical industry together with MG2 style, which turn its ad-hoc solutions int the key of MG2 success, have therefore become the prerogative of the Packaging Division.
The Packaging Division, indeed, integrates and completes MG2 offer and Vittorio joining to the team represents part of a strategy that supports the growth and the development of new markets, thanks to both consolidated solutions and some important technological innovations that will be announced soon.
