SunPower Supplying 41 Megawatts of High Efficiency Solar Panels for Four La Compagnie du Vent Solar Power Plants

12-Megawatt Langele Solar Power Plant Dedicated in France's Aquitaine Region

SunPower announced today that it is supplying 41 megawatts of its high efficiency solar panels to La Compagnie du Vent, a subsidiary of French utility GDF Suez, for the construction of four solar power plants in France under the country's national tender program administered by the French Energy Regulatory Commission. The first of the projects, the 12-megawatt Langele solar power plant, was dedicated earlier this month in France's Aquitaine region.

"Since 2012, La Compagnie du Vent has been a valued SunPower partner, and we are pleased to assist them in delivering an additional 41 megawatts of emission-free solar power for homes and businesses in France," said SunPower Executive Vice President Jorg Heinemann. "Today more than 1,500 megawatts of solar plants around the world are powered using our technology. With high-performance SunPower solar panels, power plant developers may maximize power production and generate reliable returns on investment for 25 years or more."

La Compagnie du Vent estimates that the Langele solar power plant will generate 17,500,000 kilowatt-hours of energy each year, which may serve the electricity demand of approximately 9,700 people in the region. According to Reseau de Transport d'Electricite 2011 estimates, the plant will offset approximately 14,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

In addition to Langele, the other three La Compagnie du Vent solar projects for which SunPower is supplying panels include the 12-megawatt Roc du Doun project in the Limousin region, the 12-megawatt La Foret Marcoles in the Auvergne region, and the 5-megawatt Le Mouruen Signes in the Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur region. All four solar plants are expected to be constructed and operational by end of 2015. In 2012, SunPower worked with La Compagnie du Vent to deliver the 4-megawatt Porette de Nérone solar plant in Aghione, Corsica.