Last updateMar, 18 Feb 2025 1pm

About Global Print Monitor

As print changes and evolves so do trade magazines. Global Print Monitor is a new kind of trade magazine striving to help printers evolve from the traditional definition of print as "ink on paper" towards a new future-oriented "communication service provider" concept. Printers and print service providers nowadays cannot be defined as pure printers anymore. Print and its processes, services as well as results and output are part of the huge communication portfolio that marketers and brands require. Print cannot be seen as a single industry anymore. In turn this affects printers as they are seen as communication consultants by their clients.

In addition, print evolved further into some previously unimagined areas such as printed electronics, RFID as well as solar panel manufacturing etc. that all combine to provide some functionality for everyday life and that should be closely monitored as diversification of print shops and their future might be impacted.

Thus, Global Print Monitor provides the one-stop source for trade news within the printing, packaging and communication markets as well as an extensive portfolio of business related happenings around the world. Global Print Monitor helps printers follow both competitive technologies and emerging opportunities.

Its true worldwide scope, internationally renowned editors and seven languages content with editorial stories, analysis and instant up-to-date news, blogs and white paper sections make it an outstanding publication that within a short time frame has captured worldwide attention and recognition.




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SAS Visuelle Kommunikation, Sabine A. Slaughter, Osterstrasse 59, 30880 Laatzen

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