TC Transcontinental Printing announced today that it has signed a five-year agreement with Postmedia Network Inc. to print the Vancouver Sun, which is published Monday to Saturday. The contract with Postmedia Network takes effect in early 2015. The newspaper will be printed at Transcontinental Printing's state-of-the-art facility in Vancouver. No additional investments will be required to accommodate this new business given TC Transcontinental Printing's highly efficient and flexible hybrid platform and skilled workforce. This agreement will enable TC Transcontinental Printing to further optimize its capacity within the Vancouver facility.
"This agreement builds on our recent announcement to print the Calgary Herald, which we started printing on November 18," said Brian Reid, President of TC Transcontinental Printing. "Given the current pace of change in the newspaper industry, this additional agreement demonstrates the relevance of our printing platform and the renewed interest in our ability to help publishers across Canada become more efficient.