New "Document Knowledge Miner" Enables Those With Print Disabilities To More Easily Acquire Knowledge From Digital Files, Increasing The Usability Of Mobile Wireless Technologies.
IDEAL Group Apps4Android today announced the release of "Document Knowledge Miner," an Android application that enables individuals with print disabilities to acquire knowledge from digital documents, even if the documents were not designed with accessibility in mind. Print disabilities are defined as a physical, perceptual, developmental, cognitive, or learning disability that prevent someone from gaining information from print/digital materials at an anticipated level.
According to Steve Jacobs, CEO of Apps4Android, "Knowledge is a right, not a privilege. It is the premise of progress in every society, in every family, for every child in every corner of the world; and we are thrilled to be pioneering new technologies that help level the knowledge-acquisition playing field automatically."
The app was developed with support from the App Factory, a project of the Wireless RERC, through funding by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), a component of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. App Factory Director Jim Mueller said, "We chose to support Document Knowledge Miner because of its unique potential to increase the usefulness and usability of mobile wireless technologies for people of all ages and abilities."
In addition to the app itself, computer-based access to IDEAL Group's Knowledge-Discovery services enables users to submit digital content to services that automatically:
Extract and present concept words in alphabetical order and/or ranked by importance;
Generate summaries based upon user-selected concept words;
Generate interactive, mind maps, knowledge maps, and other visualizations, from each user-selected concept word;
Provide files suitable for importing into powerful third-party applications for further manipulation, analysis, and learning.