Grafitalia and Converflex look to the future with confidence - a future that is now getting very close. 2015 will see the first edition of a one-of-a-kind event: from May 19 to 23 2015 seven leading exhibitions will be staged jointly: Grafitalia and Converflex will be joined by IPACK-IMA (Europe's leading exhibition specializing in processing and packaging technology, of great world renown) and three related shows: Meat-Tech (Ipack-Ima's brand new event specializing in technology and solutions for the meat industry), Fruitech Innovation (the most comprehensive and innovative show in the fruit & vegetable industry), Dairytech (the new specialized exhibition for processing and packaging in the dairy industry) and Intralogistica Italia (the first edition of the exhibition for logistic and material handling technology organized by Deutsche Messe in partnership with Ipack-Ima Spa).
The seven B2B events combined and co-located with the Expo 2015, that will be held from May to October, provide an all-comprehensive product showcase and unparalleled business potential.
The event, which will be held on a three-yearly basis starting from 2015, will benefit from an extremely favourable scenario as the combination of the seven exhibitions will increase knowledge about new sectors and markets which could open up to the printing industry.
"This project will come to its realization in 2015 – says Mr. Guido Corbella, CEO of Centrexpo Spa – and will provide visitors with a unique all-around overview of the industries, unmatched anywhere else in the world. No other exhibition anywhere in the world is today as wide-ranging and all-comprehensive. The choice to combine the four interlinked exhibitions on the same dates will also place such a great, world-scale event just a few days from the Expo 2015, which as we all know focuses on a very similar topic as the one tackled by the four shows".
This great, unique event staged by the Centrexpo Ipack-Ima Spa Group is set to become the meeting place and a landmark for visitors and buyers active in printing, converting, packaging and the management of the logistic flow of goods and materials within organizations. Over 2,500 exhibitors and more than 100,000 visitors are expected to attend.