-Will offer a venue for direct OEM sales to markets in China, Japan and Korea
-2,000 buyers expected from Asia and the Middle East
In time for an expected era of balanced supply and demand, EXPO Solar 2014 (www.exposolar.org) offering opportunities for entry into Asia's top photovoltaic markets, China, Japan and Korea will be held for 3 days, Sep. 17- 19, at KINTEX, Korea, with around 300 companies from 20 countries participating. Around 25,000 visitors are expected including many overseas buyers.
EXPO Solar will offer the best opportunity for sales and consulting among such exhibitions held this year in Asia. Last year, $900 million in sales were concluded among the world's leading photovoltaic companies attending, such as STX Solar and Hanwha Q-Cells of Korea, Schmid and RENA of Germany, Nisshinbo of Japan, Tianwei New Energy Holdings of China, and Power-One of the U.S. In particular, for the 2nd half of this year, in which the industry will be entering a new phase of growth, a large number of global solar panel and production equipment makers as well as Korea's leaders will exhibit their products with hopes of getting a piece of the 10GW photovoltaic market in Japan.
EXPO Solar 2014 anticipates many buyers from emerging countries such as India, Jordan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and the UAE as well as from Southeast Asia where photovoltaic power systems have been spawning lately along with buyers from more established markets such as China and America.
Seminars and conferences will be concurrently held with the PV World Forum 2014. Around 30 experts from 10 countries will give lectures on the trends/prospects of the industry for 2015 which is expected to be a banner year for the industry.