Stora Enso is offering a possibility to follow its Annual General Meeting (AGM) via webcast as a precautionary measure to decrease any risk of infection of the new COVID-19 coronavirus.
The company strongly encourages any shareholders who
have recently visited a risk area for coronavirus infection,
have symptoms of illness,
or who are part of the risk group,
to consider following the AGM by webcast or authorizing another person to represent them at the meeting.
Shareholders, who have registered for the event, but who decide not to attend the meeting, are asked to cancel their registration by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by phone +358 204 621 245. The AGM will be held on Thursday 19 March 2020 from 16:00 EET. Doors will open at 15:30 EET and shareholders will be asked to go directly to meeting hall after registration.
Stora Enso’s private shareholders can follow the AGM by webcast. Please note that this means the shareholder’s shares are not considered to have attended the meeting. It is not possible to speak or vote over the webcast. To follow the webcast, shareholders need to sign in with a Finnish bank ID or Finnish mobile certificate. The meeting language is Finnish, and some of the speeches are held in English. Simultaneous interpretation or subtitles are not available over the webcast.