The Conference Board Leading Economic Index® (LEI) for Japan increased 0.2 percent in August to 104.3 (2010 = 100), following a 0.2 percent decline in July, and a 0.8 percent increase in June.
At the same time, The Conference Board Coincident Economic Index® (CEI) for Japan, a measure of current economic activity, declined 0.1 percent in August to 98.2 (2010 = 100), following a 0.2 percent decline in July, and a 0.6 percent increase in June.
The Conference Board LEI for Japan increased in August after declining in July. Its six-month growth rate has improved in recent months, but is lower compared to the prior six months. The CEI declined for the second straight month, and as a result its six-month growth rate has been flat. Taken together, the recently improved six-month growth and widespread strength in the LEI suggests that the current economic contraction should ease in the near-term.