By Mike Ferrari
DRUPA is the world's largest printing exhibition highlighting advances in technology that can change the print industry.
DRUPA 2012 proved to be no exception. This 14-day event covered 19 halls of exhibition and countless press releases, press conferences and tweets. It is overwhelming for anyone to make sense of it all and to project the future direction of the industry.
During the exhibition, I had the great pleasure of meeting and speaking with CEO Meg Whitman and Innovator Benny Landa including Brand Owners from Coca Cola, Sara Lee, Estee Lauder, Procter & Gamble, Ferrero, etc. I was the organizer and keynote speaker of "Day of Packaging" (conference sponsored by DRUPA Cube). These opportunities provided me keen insights into the transformation taking place in the package printing industry.
"DRUPA Simplified" is a report I have authored for those that would like an industry expert's analysis. It is also for those that could not attend DRUPA but would like to keep pace with the state of the package printing industry.
The report will display technology comparisons, industry trends and my personal outlook on direction of the packaging industry.
"DRUPA Simplified" will be available June 1st for $1,500.00 To begin the process, send an email with your name and expressed interest in the report to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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