Komori Corporation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO Satoshi Mochida) (hereafter Komori) announces the establishment of a new group purpose in 2023, the year of its 100th anniversary. And this time we have created and released a video that expresses this purpose.
Komori Group Purpose:
Delivering Kando "beyond expectations" by contributing to society with print technology
The present age is called the age of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). We have entered an ambiguous socio-economic environment where changes are drastic and predicting the future is difficult. We must survive in these difficult times.
As Komori approaches the 100th anniversary of our founding, we believe that we need a compass for our continued sound development.
The purpose of the Komori Group that has now been established is a clear expression of Komori’s reason for being that asks ourselves, what are Komori’s strengths, what are our potentials, and how can we contribute to society?
Komori will move forward over the next 100 years with a purpose that can resonate with all stakeholders.