Having doubled its offset printing capacity with a move from a Speedmaster SM 74-5 to a Speedmaster XL 75-5+L at the end of last year, Pollards Print in Exeter is now addressing the additional pressure on its folding capacity. In May it will take delivery of an automated combination Stahlfolder, the KH 82.
The press investment marked the Exeter company's debut in coating and the addition of Inpress Control spectral colour and register measurement and adjustment slashed its makeready times.
"We have already seen a marked change in set up and operating speeds and we have been so impressed that it took no time for the Board to agree to adopt the same methodology in folding. We wanted a machine that would be more automated and when we analysed the operating costs of swapping out the KD 78 for the KH 82 it was a no brainer," says Kevin Loram, operations director.
"We will be able to select a programme and make ready in ten to 15 minutes, half the current time. We have also elected to move from a round pile feeder to a pallet feeder to remove operator fatigue and improve productivity. Our finishing operators are very excited about this move and will go to Heidelberg's Brentford showroom for a demonstration ahead of delivery."
Pollards Print is one of the oldest printers in the UK but with a forward-thinking mindset. It offers a comprehensive range of services including full creative and design studios, digital and offset printing, finishing and fulfilment. It offers specialist publishing and aviation sector services as well as high quality general commercial print with an online ordering option as well.
"The company continues to invest in the future. In choosing Heidelberg we know we are working with a company that gives us easy access to spare parts and quick and expert engineering support. We will still have two folders but the KH 82 will be our only section folder so we simply can't have a supplier with only a couple of engineers to cover the country. Heidelberg's quick response is key to us," says Mr Loram.
Pollards offers a 24/7 printing service and is a committed environmental players. As well as holding ISO 14001 and FSC Chain of Custody certification it is also ISO 12647-2 colour certified.