St. Johns Packaging, Montreal, QC has recently installed a Kluge ComFold for production of custom pouch/bag folding in its Greensboro, NC plant. This stand alone system will create the bottom fold on film laminated bags.
Since 1954, St. Johns Packaging has been a family owned business headquartered in Quebec, Canada. St. Johns expanded their facilities in recent years opening a Greenfield plant in China (2007) and acquiring North State Flexibles in Greensboro, NC (2009). Their main product is the manufacture of flexible packaging in the form of laminate bags and pouches with an emphasis on the pet food industry at the Greensboro plant. The addition of a bottom fold to a laminate bag converts it from a pinch bottom bag to one that has a 5th panel. The flat bottom creates a surface for printed branding that is visible to consumers when the bags are stacked. The 5th panel is also applied to smaller bags allowing them to stand upright on the store shelf. "Putting a bottom fold on our laminated bags and pouches allows us to offer our customers a different kind of package and allows us to compete with multi-wall bags," said Tim Mages, General Manager at the Greensboro plant. "Adding a Kluge bag folder to our asset base has allowed us to provide a more complete portfolio and an expanded product offering in the very competitive business of pet food marketing. "