From the labor-intensive "Made in China" to knowledge-based "Created in China," China has embarked on an innovative journey to transform itself. However, to realize the transformation, there is a prerequisite, that is the Intellectual Property Right (IPR) protection. The tracker of emerging technologies says China is poised to surpass Japan as the second-largest spender on biomedical R&D, behind the U.S., as it sets far-ranging targets for new drug development as part of its 12th Five-Year Plan.
The country's total R&D investments reached a cumulative $160 billion last year and are said to be paying off with exponential increases in pharmaceutical-related patent filings, according to a report issued by Lux Research. Unlike patents in other industries, pharmaceutical patents cover products that take a very long time to develop. It takes 10-15 years on average to develop a new medicine from the earliest stages of compound discovery to final approval. IP management has become the most important protection tool for R&D innovation and patent has been proved to be the primary driver of Pharma & Biotech corporate earnings.
Organized by CPhI and UBM Conferences, 2013 Pharmaceutical Intellectual Property Forum is to be held on 27-28 November in Shanghai, China. This conference aims to provide a platform to facilitate exchange of experience, and encourage more cooperation between Pharmaceutical & Biotech Companies, Law firms and IP Agencies. You will walk away with fresh insights, tactics and tools to apply for patents, strategize your litigation techniques and remain competitive in today's constantly changing patent landscape. Hear from experts, meet potential collaborators and gather insights to re-align your own IP strategy - only at PIPF!
Conference Highlights
Hearing from Pfizer, Bayer, Merck, GSK, Abbott on Global and Regional Pharma IP Scene
Navigating the Regulatory Landscape in Key Countries
Resolving Patent Regime, Patent Cliff and Patent Licensing Issues and Learning Solutions for your Top Challenges in the Interactive and Focused Panel Discussions
Identifying Future Opportunities in Generics and Biosimilars
A Wide Range of Cutting-Edge Case Studies from Leading IPR Experts
Agenda At A Glance China IP Regulation Updates November 27 International Perspectives on IP Rights Patent Strategies for Pharmaceutical Products Spotlight: Generics and Bio-Medicine November 28 Practical Litigation Cases Practices of IP Management |