Development of UV inkjet type aluminum roll printer for PTP sheets that improves traceability by adding information on changes in the packaging unit of each tablet.
SCREEN Holdings, Inc. has recently announced that it has changed the information on changes to its packaging for dispensing (PTP sheets*) Beversa, a UV inkjet type aluminum roll printing machine that enables additional printing of traceability information. The product will be launched in November this year.
In accordance with the 2019 amendments to the Pharmaceutical Affairs Law, from the point of view of traceability and prevention of medical errors, prescription drugs GS1 to clarify the product code, serial number, and expiration date on the sales packaging and original packaging unit of the Barcode labeling is now mandatory. On the other hand, despite the heavy use of PTP sheets in oral medications such as tablets and capsules The obligation to label PTP sheets is limited to the product code only. As a result, hospitals and pharmacies are not required to display the serial number and expiration date on the PTP sheet, either by text or barcode. However, there is a growing demand for the display of information.
In response to these trends in the pharmaceutical industry, Screen has developed a UV inkjet type aluminum roll printing machine, the Development of Beversa. Pregravure-printed rolls of PTP aluminum foil are printed upon with UV inkjet technology. Additional mandatory and variable information such as the serial number and expiry date of a pharmaceutical product, can be printed digitally on the PTP sheet at a rate of 30 meters per minute per tablet. Additional printing can be done at a speed of 1.5 seconds. In addition to providing added value to pharmaceutical products, this system enables pharmaceutical companies to improve production efficiency in the packaging process.
Going forward, Screen will continue to open up new markets and contribute to the development of the pharmaceutical industry by providing solutions to solve customers' problems.
PTP (press-through-pack) sheet: A method of packaging drugs, consisting of a sheet of tablets or capsules sandwiched between plastic and aluminum foil.