Last updateSa, 27 Jul 2024 7am

Advertise on Global Print Monitor

Our advertising/banner prices for 2016!

Animated banner advertisement with link to your homepage or specific product page:

Size: 140 x 140 pixel, frontpage + 1 category
1 month 300€/month

Size: 300 x 100 pixel, frontpage + 1 category
1 month 300€/month

Size: 300 x 125 pixel, frontpage + 1 category
1 month 350€/month

Size: 300 x 200 pixel, frontpage + 1 category
1 month 400€/month

Size: 300 x 250 pixel, frontpage + 1 category
1 month 500€/month

Size: 623 x 90 pixel, frontpage + 1 category
1 month 375€/month

Benefits of long-term booking

• 6 months banner and get 15% off
• 12 months banner and get 30% off

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