Last updateFr, 07 Mär 2025 3am

Now part of the ZVEI

NDassault Systèmes has joined the German Electrical and Digital Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI). Dominic Kurtaz, Managing Director EuroCentral at Dassault Systèmes, and Dr. Gunther Kegel, President of ZVEI, announced the membership in Darmstadt at Dassault Systèmes' 3DEXPERIENCE Conference. The aim of joining is to drive innovation in the industry together with the network.

Dassault Systèmes, a global company headquartered in Vélizy-Villacoublay, France, sees itself as a catalyst for human progress. Through collaborative and virtual 3D environments, the company enables its customers to actually experience sustainable innovations. By creating virtual twins of the real world using the 3DEXPERIENCE platform and applications, users can redefine the boundaries of innovation, learning and production to develop a more sustainable world for patients, citizens and consumers.
Association membership serves the goal of driving innovation in the industry

The electrical and digital industry is highly relevant to the German economy in particular. The resulting products, systems and solutions are regarded as key technologies for innovation and growth. Dassault Systèmes makes a significant contribution to this development with its solutions: the French company shares its cross-industry expertise and helps to shape advances in manufacturing and innovative business models. So it was only natural to join the German Electrical and Digital Manufacturers' Association (ZVEI) at some point. And that is exactly what happened. Dominic Kurtaz, Managing Director EuroCentral at Dassault Systèmes, and Dr. Gunther Kegel, President of ZVEI, announced the membership in Darmstadt at Dassault Systèmes' 3DEXPERIENCE Conference.
Cooperation for social change towards digitalization

As part of its membership, Dassault Systèmes also wants to get involved in the association's committee work with a focus on automation and Manufacturing-X. The topic of digitalization is of particular importance. Together with other members from the electrical and digital industry, Dassault Systèmes will continuously drive forward the transition to an electrified and digitalized society. In addition to the areas of "sustainability and the environment" and "flexible manufacturing", the topic of "education and research" will also play a major role. Joint initiatives within the ZVEI are also intended to help promote interest in STEM professions in schools and thus meet the challenge of the shortage of skilled workers in engineering.
Promoting growth and innovation

The Association of the Electrical and Digital Industry represents manufacturers and suppliers from the electrical engineering, electronics and information technology sectors, including numerous automation companies. It promotes the interests of its members, advocates technological innovation and helps to shape political framework conditions with a view to the digital and electrical industry. Joining the association is a further step that Dassault Systèmes is taking as a pioneer of digital transformation. Together with the ZVEI, the aim is to promote growth, innovation and international competitiveness in the industry and to support the sustainable and future-oriented development of the industry.



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